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Cirkus van Karavan

Zaparkujem, kde se dá. ;)

Seskupení umělců, lektorů, cirkusáků a nadšenců pro pohyb a kreativní vyjádření ze všech koutů České Republiky

Naše poslání

Sdílení radosti z pohybu

🌟Zviditelnění cirkusového umění jako přínos společnosti

Pohyb, kreativita, sebepoznání, seberealizace, skupinová dynamika, propojení generací, komunit a kultur


🌟Inspirace a hravost - zvýšit motivaci mladistvých k fyzické aktivitě, umění a skupinovým aktivitám na volném prostranství


🌟Ukázat mladým lidem a rodinám možnosti trávit volný čas hravou formou a seberozvojem 


🌟Naší činností bychom rádi ukázali možnosti lidské kreativity a společné aktivity (tvorba představení) a zároveň si přejeme inspirovat a učit, ukázat, že tuto možnost má každý (workshopy a sdílení našich znalostí) 


🌟Poukázat na pozitivní přínos pohybu a umění ve volném prostranství na zdraví jedinců, skupin a společnosti

🌟Poukázat na pozitivní přínos pohybu a umění na úrovni fyzické, duševní, emoční i mentální - široká škála seberozvoje


🌟Zpestření všedních dnů:) 

Rozhovor s principálkou

výňatek z lokálního tisku "Zastavení"

I am talking to Tereza, the she-principal of the „Cirkus van Karavan“ association.
The members perform at local festivals and other public events but also at children's camps or in kindergardens and schools. In addition to a nice spectacle, they offer for both children and adults an opportunity to learn something from them and experience fun and a bit of adrenaline.

Why circus?
Sometimes I am asking myself the same question. When I first encountered circus art available to the public, I was excited about the combination of movement and creativity. I have always loved movement and exercising and at the same time I was dedicated to visual arts. Circus art for me represents both - a combination of movement and physical challenge with the artistic world of fantasy. At the same time, I am fascinated by the social overlap when we can share our art and bring joyful refreshment to society. During the five years I devote myself to circus art, I learn for myself what the circus means to me. And I enjoy the depth of this beautiful art that requires deep knowledge of the functioning of one's own body and at the same time realization of my own personality, individuality and creativity. And of course I enjoy the playfulness and ease with which we approach life and ourselves. What I love about circus life at the moment is that it allows me to travel, get to know places, people and different social contexts, as well as getting to know myself, develop and grow and at the same time to bring what I love and what is meaningful to me to the society. I enjoy teaching and being taught, sharing my passion, my knowledge and experience and to live a creative and colorful life. Circus life allows me to be different each time and yet always myself.

You are from different parts of the country and some of you still have your "civil" employment. How did you find each other?
Thanks to lucky coincidences. In Czech Republic, the circus world is connected and usually we meet at joint trainings, in the summer at so-called "firejams" - meetings of drummers and fire performers. Our band got together there as well. Nowadays, circus trainings are available to the general public, which opens the possibility for us to share the joy and knowledge with anyone - circus art can thus become a nice hobby or a life mission to each of us.

You don't keep your art for yourself, you offer workshops where both children and adults can learn. What makes you do this?
It is the fact that we enjoy the circus so much that we cannot keep such a blessing just for ourselves Movement and self-development is what we see a meaning in and what can enrich the lives of many of us. So we spread the spark of joy wherever we can. During lessons with children and adults, we experience beautiful moments of togetherness and mutual support. We can constantly play and at the same

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